Tuesday, April 22, 2014

What I’m Watching: Orphan Black (Season Premiere)

Orphan Black: Season 2, Episode 1 “Nature Under Restraint and Vexed” (B+)

It’s fair to say that I was overly excited for this debut installment. I eagerly pointed out the advertisement that adorned a bus stop along my walk to work every day for the past month or so, and I told everyone I saw that they should be watching this show. While this wasn’t one of the show’s very best installments, it was still an intense, productive hour that set up a number of intriguing dynamics for the rest of the season. Sarah being confronted in the bar by the two men was a chilling and ferocious start, made all the more impactful by the revelation at the end of the episode that the emotionless Mark is actually working for Helena and not for Rachel. I love that Helena was cued back in by her creepy music, and her still being alive confirms her Prolethean theory that neither of them can die. It’s so interesting to me that the clones are now fully aware of their situations (exempting Donnie’s role, of course) that Allison could react so matter-of-factly to Daniel’s attempted abduction of her that occurred as Sarah posed as Cosima (the layers of clone duplicity on this show are incredible). Delphine and Paul are both looking out for the people they’re supposed to be monitoring, while Dr. Leekie really isn’t all that bad compared to Kira. And then there’s Art, who’s coming at all this from a different angle, and Felix, who was high and about have a five-way before he got tapped to help Sarah get her daughter back. This is going to be a wild and eventful season, and I can’t wait.

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