Thursday, May 1, 2014

What I’m Watching: Mad Men

Mad Men: Season 7, Episode 3 “Field Trip” (B+)

There was something very deliberately uneasy about the mood of this episode, which found Don stepping back into familiar surroundings that have become very hostile since last he was there. It’s incredible how quickly Don got a great offer from a competing firm, yet he instantly said “okay” when he was offered a miserable deal to return, which includes working for Lou, who is not going to put up with him for a second. Don also readily admitted to Megan to lying to her to protect his pride, while at the same time confessing that he had kept the truth from her for a year and wasted what could have been plenty of time spent together in California. Don was clearly nervous for his big meeting with Roger, and to have him not show up while everyone walked by and awkwardly greeted Don – some more coolly than others, especially Joan and Peggy – was awful. Don’s attitude toward Dawn’s new responsibilities and lack of time for him was telling of how the world has moved on without him, and it’s going to be an enormous adjustment for him to fit back in after such a perilous exit. I love how Cutler interacts with everyone, and calling Harry the most dishonest man he knew provided a both entertaining and worrisome scene. We hadn’t seen Betty in quite a while, and it was interesting to meet her again in this moment of feeling inadequate after dining with Anne Dudek’s Francine, who was last on the show a few seasons back. Things really were going well on the field trip, and then Betty’s not entirely unjustified reaction killed it and showed what a cold person she is.

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