Thursday, May 1, 2014

What I’m Watching: Silicon Valley

Silicon Valley: Season 1, Episode 4 “Fiduciary Duties” (B+)

This was a fun episode, one that managed to recast its main players in a productive light as Richard continued to panic about the fact that he really doesn’t have any idea how to sell his technology. It was a surprise to see Ben Feldman, who plays nebbishy ad man Michael Ginsberg on “Mad Men,” which airs during this same time slot, as Richard’s lawyer, who seems to be pretty full of himself and may not actually have Richard’s best interests at heart, what with his shady Delaware incorporation and other actions. Richard making Erlich a member of the board after he got drunk at the toga party seemed like a regrettable decision, but fortunately the annoying lug showed up at just the right moment and ended up saving the meeting, even managing to make Peter laugh with the Dripbox comment. Getting thrown up on was probably a fair consequence for his likely manipulative behavior at the party. It was strange to see the photo of Peter and Gavin together as friends, a preview of what could be to come for the members of this think tank. Big Head managed to prove his worthlessness very quickly, and the punishment for his lack of talent is a harsh one, defined mainly by walks to Arby’s to pass the time. Stopping by the house to tell Richard that he wasn’t doing anything made for an entertaining awkward moment, especially in an episode that didn’t feature most of our supporting players, focusing on the leads instead.

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