Tuesday, May 20, 2014

What I’m Watching: Orphan Black

Orphan Black: Season 2, Episode 5 “Ipsa Scientia Potestas Est” (B+)

I’m impressed in a way that I never expected to be on this show, and that’s with how one of the show’s main characters is being redefined. Helena has gone from being an absolute villain to something more difficult to pinpoint. After the terror in Sarah’s eyes when Helena killed Daniel and came towards her, the attitude she has towards her sister has changed completely. Depositing her first with Felix and then with Art was great, and Felix’s suggestion of feeding the eternally hungry Ukrainian was both hilarious and spot-on. That she broke free and was ready to shoot Rachel with a sniper rifle while using a small voodoo doll of her head was intense, yet Sarah managed to talk her down by telling her that she’s happy she’s still alive and pleading for her to help make sure Felix stays out of prison. Rachel, on the other hand, managed to seduce Paul, and not in the literal sexual sense which made for an uncomfortable extended scene that wasn’t nearly as intimate or passionate as it should have been. Now he’s her official monitor, though the more kindly Dr. Leekie may be able to sway his allegiances. I’m not sure how Sarah finding out about Cosima’s illness will affect their relationship, especially since Rachel was withholding treatment because of Sarah’s noncompliance. Henrik’s methods of family punishment are downright disturbing, and I much prefer the father-daughter dynamic that Kira and Cal have created, looking out for one another and doing a damn good job of it, regardless of whatever mysterious guns may or may not be lying around.

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