Thursday, July 10, 2014

Emmy Nominees: Best Directing for a Comedy Series

My predictions: 2/6, picking only “Orange is the New Black” and “Louie” and the wrong “Modern Family” episode

The nominees: Episode 309 (Episodes), 100 (Glee), Elevator, Part 6 (Louie), Vegas (Modern Family), Lesbian Request Denied (Orange is the New Black), Minimum Viable Product (Silicon Valley)

We have some expected things and some interesting surprises here. I’m so thrilled to see that “Episodes” is being honored this year in another place in addition to its token acting and writing nods. I’m less excited about “Glee” getting a default nomination, and I picked the wrong “Modern Family” installment. “Louie” is predictably here for its one submission, and I was surprised to see that one of my two predicted OITNB episodes made the cut, but not the pilot. They’re joined by the intriguing pilot of “Silicon Valley,” even if it wasn’t the best episode of the show’s season.

Who should win? I have to watch “Glee” and “Louie,” but I’d say “Episodes” for sure
Who will win? “Minimum Viable Product”

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