Thursday, July 10, 2014

Emmy Nominees: Best Writing for a Comedy Series

My predictions: 2/5, picking only “Episodes” and OITNB and the wrong “Silicon Valley” episode

The nominees: Episode 305 (Episodes), So Did the Fat Lady (Louie), I Wasn’t Ready (Orange is the New Black), Optimal Tip-to-Tip Efficiency (Silicon Valley), Special Relationship (Veep)

I’m pretty happy with this category. It’s great to know that “Episodes” is a default nominee, and so exciting that “Veep” made the cut for a very funny London-set half-hour. I wrote about how the title of the season finale of “Silicon Valley” would make it a shoo-in but predicted the pilot instead, but I’m happy since this was the better episode. The pilot of OITNB made the cut, which is great. I thought that two “Louie” episodes would cancel each other out, but it seems that voters were able to pick. Now, if only “Parks and Recreation” was recognized…

Who should win? Still have to watch “Louie,” but give it to “Silicon Valley” or “Veep”
Who will win? “I Wasn’t Ready”

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