Friday, July 4, 2014

What I’m Watching: 24

24: Season 9, Episode 10 “Day 9: 8:00pm-9:00pm” (D-)

The only way I can think to describe this episode is as a cacophony of covert information from different countries and governments being unbelievably accessible to far too many sources. The wisdom behind Mark giving the Russians Jack’s location is impossible to decipher, mainly because, however forgetful he may be, Heller would never forget that he wouldn’t have signed Jack over to doom, and Audrey wouldn’t let him forget it either. Leaving panicked voicemails for his contact was probably the next stupidest thing he could have done, and now he’ll certainly implicate himself in the high number of casualties sure to come. The return of Cheng was a thoroughly unnecessary development, mainly because it makes this universe seem too small and outrageous, where terrorists from different nations roam around freely and unsubtly, showing their faces to random people before killing them. Shooting Adrian didn’t make much sense either, however more sensible it might have been than Margot killing Naveed. Now Chloe is back in the middle of everything with the Russians hunting Jack, but not as aggressively as the Chinese would if they knew just how close he was to them. Butchering Navarro’s hand was typical Jack behavior, and it’s good to know that he’s found a partner with equally violent inclinations, eager to seem ready to shoot a man in the head just to scare some information out of him. Tensions are sure to explode now that other things have and a world war is likely on the horizon, and I’m sure the final two episodes of this season will be equally action-packed and preposterous.

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