Friday, July 4, 2014

What I’m Watching: Longmire

Longmire: Season 3, Episode 5 “Wanted Man” (B+)

I feel like I don’t always give this show the attention it deserves, often getting distracted during the initial exposition of the episode to the point that I can’t really pinpoint what the crime was and as a result the whole hour is more of a mystery to me. But circumstances made it so that I could give this particular installment my full attention, and it was an especially worthwhile hour to do so. Absent the Vic personal drama from recent episodes, this really delved into Henry and his case without actually featuring him all that much. Instead, it gave Walt the fantastic opportunity to take a vacation day, on which he, what else, does policework, albeit for a different county than the one he serves. What that allowed for was the return of a number of recognizable guest stars, all of whom have a relationship with Walt that can be described as prickly at best. Most worrisome is Graham Greene’s Malachi, whose release from prison was surprisingly swift. His calm demeanor makes him more of a threat to Henry since it seems clear that he wants to make him suffer. I enjoyed the appearances by Peter Stormare as Chance Gilbert and Bob Clendenin as Jamie DeBell, and of course Peter Weller as Lucien Connelly. Meanwhile, Branch’s behavior is very concerning, and it sure didn’t take long for his forced accomplice to get identified and then lead Vic right back to him. I’m very curious to see where her talk with Walt leads her in terms of reporting Branch or just trying to help him get back on track.

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