Sunday, July 27, 2014

What I’m Watching: The Bridge

The Bridge: Season 2, Episode 3 “Sorrowsworn” (B+)

Finally, we have the return of all of our familiar first season characters who hadn’t yet appeared this year. While I’m much more partial to Charlotte than I am to Steven, it’s fantastic to see that all of this show’s plotlines are truly interrelated, and that what initially seemed like separate threads are all intertwining now. This show has truly found its funk, as Hank enthusiastically welcomed back Marco and offered to cover for him with his captain before Agent McKenzie rudely refused to share intel with a Mexican cop in the room. Steven initially seemed very passive about the Mexican cop Bob found trespassing, but that changed quickly into an aggressive beatdown which will surely produce some answers. Ray and Cesar getting their supply carjacked was an odd but intense moment, and it’s great to have Charlotte back, and I do hope that she doesn’t take her boyfriend’s ill-advised idea of going to Alaska seriously. She did well fending for herself before, and I feel like a meeting with Galvan could turn out well for her. As Daniel and Adriana worked to uncover their own piece of the Eleanor story, it was sad to hear Raul ask his killer what would happen if he screamed before he was unceremoniously put out of his misery. Sonya as usual is quite blunt with her sexual partners and with those she works with, hardly demonstrating a proper bedside manner with Dex when he asked if his friend was okay. Marco, on the other hand, is back in the game and doing a great job of appeasing those Sonya offends. Unfortunately, though Eleanor spared Dex, her plans are only going to get more evil and horrifying, especially with her new assistant Jaime on board.

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