Monday, July 28, 2014

What I’m Watching: Rectify

Rectify: Season 2, Episode 6 “MazelTov” (B+)

It’s so interesting to watch Daniel ease back into society, disappearing from the lives of those who have so closely supporting him as he ventures out into his own life. Seeing him wake up in a woman’s bed was a surprise, though not entirely given the party he went to last week, but it was still gratifying to see him make such a human connection, brought on by the sentiment he described to Tawney during their conversation at his house later. Daniel’s speech at the funeral was actually quite touching, and it’s a shame that all it did was inspire Foulkes and Carl to conspire about how best to take Daniel down, with Carl telling the Senator what Teddy confessed to him. After that unfriendly run-in at the gas station, Daniel met up with Lezlie again, who isn’t actually such a bad influence, and was able to find him that stove that he wanted to get for his mother. Her reaction, influenced by his being so late to the party, was less than enthusiastic, but it was great to see Ted Sr. step in with an unexpected positive attitude, encouraging Daniel and his thoughtful gift. I liked how Teddy was so taken aback by Amanda being uncharacteristically nice to him, though of course that didn’t last too long. Tawney asking if Teddy wishing them a “Mazel Tov” was appropriate was a rare hilarious moment, and it’s a shame that Teddy had to go ahead and share their big news after he saw Daniel talking to Tawney and smiling, when Tawney had expressly asked him not to. The scene with the priest talking to Daniel and playing music for him was very powerful, though I was less impressed by the final scene with Daniel hearing a woman’s voice talking to him, since I’d like for this show to remain literal rather than having manifestations of Daniel’s demons materialize and help take him down.

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