Monday, July 14, 2014

What I’m Watching: Rectify

Rectify: Season 2, Episode 4 “Donald the Normal” (B+)

I kept saying that I might not continue watching this show, but whenever Thursday rolls around, I find it hard to resist giving this show just one more shot. Despite drowning in an overly loud and inappropriate score which changed dramatically and inconsistently throughout the hour, this episode was actually a relatively strong, showing Daniel in a way that we’ve never seen him before: wandering around like a normal person whose identity and supposed sins are unknown to those around him. Watching him unassumingly get off a bus, pull out a map, and introduce himself as Donald to a friendly woman at a museum. Frances Fisher was a great guest, imbuing Daniel with a sense of self that he’s never been able to possess because of the circumstances in which we’ve come to know him. His visit to Kerwin’s family was powerful, mostly for the reaction of his mother to Daniel coming by. Taking apart the kitchen was a major move, but I think it will be good to give him a sense of purpose. Amantha sure could use that, and hopefully a dull retail job will be just the thing to get her out of her permanent bad mood. Ted and Tawney’s marriage, while deeply unsettling, continues to be fascinating to watch, as Ted’s inability to deal with Tawney being nice led to an uncomfortable scene in which a drunken Ted tried to force himself on an unimpressed and miserable Tawney. Ted sharing what happened with Daniel is a worrisome development, but it seems that he doesn’t want to expose him, just to let someone else know that it happened so that he doesn’t think he’s crazy.

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