Monday, July 14, 2014

What I’m Watching: The Bridge (Season Premiere)

The Bridge: Season 2, Episode 1 “Yankee” (B)

In the midst of Emmy season, it’s strange not to find this series, which I named the fourth best new show of 2013, completely absent. What this premiere, which isn’t entirely cohesive, does demonstrate is that it has two of the most fascinating lead characters currently on television. Diane Kruger had to grow on me for a bit as Sonya, but I’ve gotten used to her and now find her intensely awkward demeanor highly appealing. Her behavior in this episode was considerably bolder and more brazen than usual, though her appetite for sexual affairs was previewed last season. Hooking up with the brother of her sister’s murderer is rather twisted, even if she doesn’t have some sinister, manipulative plan at work to get revenge (I suspect it’s just a case of trying to connect to someone). Marco is a mess, and it’s interesting to see him appointed by his corrupt captain to deal with the lawyer who wants to make a name for himself. At first sight, Marco might not seem like a clean cop, and unfortunately his season-ending efforts to kill David Tate don’t suggest that he’ll be able to be seen as one for much longer going forward. Hank continues to be a strong supporting character, and I’m also happy to see a drunken Daniel and Adriana used well. It was jarring to see Brian Baumgartner of “The Office” as Daniel’s friend, but I suppose he’s well suited to play the straight man in a more comic plotline. Franka Potente’s Eleanor is pretty terrifying, and watching her command her all-too-eager disciple to cut off an innocent’s ear makes me question whether watching shows like this is worth it due to their disturbing content. I think I’ll stick around due to the general quality of the show.

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