Sunday, July 13, 2014

What I’m Watching: Wilfred

Wilfred: Season 4, Episode 4 “Answers” (B+)

This was a very trippy episode, reminiscent of when Ryan woke up in the mental asylum being treated by Robin Williams from “Good Will Hunting.” What was eerier about this installment was that it didn’t seem like anything was amiss at first, and only when Ryan realized that the shock machine wasn’t plugged in did he begin to piece together that something was seriously wrong. Kristen executing some serious martial arts moves was an unexpected sight, but the truly unnerving moment of the episode was seeing Wilfred in human form, unzipping his dog suit and showing his true human body before realizing that things were at a code red. It seemed for a second that it was all over and the ruse had been discovered, but of course this is just more unsettling evidence that whatever Wilfred is, his existence is malicious and deceptive in nature. What’s consistently excellent about this show, aside from the way in which it identifies its surreal moments with warped cinematography akin to Ryan’s perception of the world around him, is Elijah Wood’s lead performance. He’s truly committed to his role in a way that demands extraordinary effort. Jason Gann, while great, doesn’t ever have to do too much since his role is originally funny. Wood, on the other hand, delivers a focused, often frantic portrayal of a man utterly unable to stay in charge of his own life, forever in servitude to the occasionally malicious whims of those around him, a list which certainly includes Wilfred.

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