Monday, August 4, 2014

Pilot Review: The Honorable Woman

The Honorable Woman (Sundance)
Premiered July 31 at 10pm

It’s quite interesting to see that both BBC Two in the United Kingdom and the Sundance Channel in the United States are premiering a series about the Israeli-Palestinian conflict at this moment of time. I doubt that those behind this show could have foreseen what would be happening now in the Middle East last year when production first began, and how timely this might prove. This coproduced-series airs its sixth and final installment in the U.K. next week, almost a month ahead of its U.S. airdates. What’s been constructed here is an attempt to portray a balanced view of the conflict through the lens of an Israeli-born British woman holding an esteemed position in the British government and seeking to better the lives of the Palestinian people by sharing resources otherwise unavailable to them. It’s an ambitious idea, certainly, but it ends up being rather muddled in the middle, trying too hard to remain unbiased and therefore achieving little edge. Compared with FX’s “Tyrant,” which has created a fictional Middle Eastern country for its conflict, this show is more believable in some senses but far less compelling in others. Its ending was more tedious than anything else, and its frequent time jumps aren’t helpful in establishing a narrative. In terms of casting, Maggie Gyllenhaal is a solid choice for the complicated lead character, and she’s supported well by the likes of Stephen Rea and Genevieve O’Reilly in the ensemble cast. I so want to be intrigued by and involved in this show, but this first installment was far from satisfying.

How will it work as a series? This is only a eight-episode miniseries, so the plot can be more contained and less expansive. Still, tackling the broad strokes of what was outlined in this first installment may take longer than that, especially considering the different time periods in which the show takes place. I think it may all be too much.
How long will it last? Being a miniseries, this show isn’t necessarily expected to return. That said, “True Detective” and “Fargo” bucked that notion, and so maybe this might be back again. I doubt that it’s going to be the case, however, since I think that strong critical notices won’t be able to overcome viewership numbers and a generally controversial topic.

Pilot grade: C+

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