Monday, August 4, 2014

Take Three: Married

Married: Season 1, Episode 3 “The Getaway” (B+)

I think this may be my favorite installment of this show yet. There’s something inherently familiar about it, yet many of the scenes are extremely funny and enjoyable. Nat Faxon’s sarcastic delivery of his suggestion to the doctor that he might as well cut it all off was brilliant, and Judy Greer does a magnificent job rattling off her one-liners as well. Their vasecti-moon was a blast, featuring the predictable problem of a younger couple with a much better sex life seemingly competing right next door. Russ’ poor advice to the husband resulted in a great unexpected moment of mature bonding between Russ and Lina and then some tremendous, long-awaited sex after that. Their plotline was great, but I actually enjoyed events back at Jess’ house more. We finally got to meet her “older husband,” played by none other than Paul Reiser, who it turns out is a relatively nice guy who enjoy seeing her squirm because he realizes and is fully aware of who she is and who he is. He clearly enjoyed his participation in her forced sexting, and I like that they shared a moment at the end where he acknowledged her for who she is. Jenny Slate does a great job of playing crazy on “House of Lies” and “Parks and Recreation,” but it’s nice to know that she is equally capable of portraying a relatively ordinary character who’s still just as funny. I really hope this show continues, because I’m liking it more and more as it goes on.

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