Sunday, August 3, 2014

What I’m Watching: Rectify

Rectify: Season 2, Episode 7 “Weird as You” (B)

There was something undeniably hypnotic about this episode, that’s for sure. While part of it has to do with Daniel’s drug trip, it has more to do with Daniel trying to discover himself. I’ve found that more effective in the past when less has been said, but recently Daniel has been making plenty of friends and his life has started to look very different. What he got in this episode was confirmation of just one thing: that he really doesn’t know what happened. Hearing about how he couldn’t perform and that could have driven him into a murderous rage makes him have to consider what he could have been capable of, even though he really can’t discern what did or didn’t happen. Ultimately, his guilt isn’t relevant if Jon goes to trial and can’t wait. Serving ten more years in prison hardly seems like a fitting fate for Daniel, who would likely go nuts if he had to go back inside following his unexpected bout with freedom. Watching Amantha try to be polite while the customer was counting out cash trying to get to $41, only to come out twenty cents short, was both amusing and painful, and she seems to be ready to just about everything wrong in this position. Getting stoned with her coworker and going into the tire store to ask Teddy for the keys to the vending machine was an interesting idea, but it certainly was fun to watch Amantha and Teddy have their most pleasant yet truly bizarre interaction yet.

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