Sunday, August 3, 2014

What I’m Watching: The Bridge

The Bridge: Season 2, Episode 4 “The Acorn” (B+)

It’s always reassuring when a show as multi-faceted as this brings its characters all together for a rare opportunity to be on the same page, or at least near each other in close chapters. Daniel and Adriana went to talk to Mr. DeLarge right before he killed himself, prompting Marco to come talk to them when he and Sonya caught the case, while Galvan officially pardoned Charlotte and Ray before meeting in person with none other than Eleanor, who started all this by visiting DeLarge and a result exposing the corrupt nature of what he was doing. Among this episode’s most interesting moments were the death of Jim Dobbs and the subsequent transformation of whatever Sonya and Jack into what might be termed a real relationship. Marco looked truly surprised when his visit to the bank brought him face-to-face with Sebastian Cerisola, played by Demian Bichir’s real-life brother Bruno, and it really underlines the overarching nature of how corrupt the entire system is. I like that Ray was obsessed with talking about tacos and children while Charlotte was trying to figure a way out of everything, and it seems like they’re off the hook for now, though I doubt it will be that simple. Eleanor continually asking if it’s safe and then refusing to stop humming was just more of her odd behavior, and she managed to hold her own opposite Galvan, though clearly there’s more at work here with whoever that mysterious prisoner in the cage is, which I’m sure we’ll find out in due time.

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