Sunday, August 17, 2014

What I’m Watching: The Bridge

The Bridge: Season 2, Episode 6 “Harvest of Souls” (B+)

It’s interesting that we’re seeing less and less of this season’s big villain, Eleanor, as it goes on since our primary characters are plenty intriguing enough. The most devastating development was the abduction and murder of Aberlardo. He, almost more than Marco, was an emblem of justice from south of the border on this show, and his calm but sad response to be forced into a car was representative of his attitude towards the law and towards justice. While Sonya and Marco will definitely be in the crosshairs now, it means worse things for Eva, though she clearly has decided it’s time to take care of herself, bludgeoning Steven and Bob’s captive to death once she realized who he was. Sonya and Marco came a bit too close to comfort with violence at the end of the episode in a way that seems to have rattled and shocked Sonya, since she shot someone in Juarez and also witnessed Marco execute those who were left alive to ensure that they wouldn’t be implicated. For all the rule-breaking that Sonya and Marco do, Daniel takes the cake for showing up at the office after his story was published in a less than incendiary and much-edited manner. As he pointed out, peeing into a cup in front of all of his coworkers isn’t something that could (necessarily) get him fired, but pouring it out on the floor probably could. I suspect that his being dismissed will only prompt Adriana to press on harder, which is worrisome given the fact that Sebastian requested dirt to be found on her rather than Daniel since he didn’t consider her alcoholic colleague to be nearly as much of a threat.

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