Sunday, August 17, 2014

What I’m Watching: Rectify

Rectify: Season 2, Episode 9 “Until You’re Blue” (A-)

What an intense and utterly devastating episode. We saw more of Ted Sr. than ever before, and I hadn’t noticed just how much he sounds like his son in terms of his manner of speaking. It was evident in the way that he looked at Daniel that he was seeing him in a new and unfortunate light but, to his credit, he didn’t react the way the Senator had expected him to, and instead marched right back to Foulkes and called him a vulture for preying on their family in what could only be considered a private matter. The notion of Daniel being banished from his home and forced to live in one small county far from his family is a dismal one, though he doesn’t seem to think it’s so awful. Flashing back to the priest reading Amantha’s letter to Daniel was very effective, and it was great to see more of their relationship when he stopped by her beloved workplace. Daniel’s conversation with Janet about the passage of time was mesmerizing, and she took the initial news well even if she didn’t quite grasp its magnitude. The emotional center of this episode, of course, revolved around Tawney and her losing the baby. At first, Teddy was relatively sweet, but then that kindness and empathy turned into complete cruelty, as he berated her for looking into school options to put her life back together by calling himself her hero and accusing her of wanting to run off and be with Daniel. The fact that she did call him is understandable because she needed someone to hold her up, which he did during their closing dance, while Teddy went and did something stupid and got into what appears to have been a very violent fight. Next is the finale, which should prove intense, and we’ll soon find out if this show will be back again for a third round and where Daniel might be during that time.

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