Sunday, August 24, 2014

What I’m Watching: The Bridge

The Bridge: Season 2, Episode 7 “Lamia” (B+)

While nearly all of the other shows I watch are nearing the end of their respective seasons, it’s nice to have a show like this that’s just getting into the meat of its events and building up its story to rev up for an intense second half of the season. This episode, more than any before it, brought all of its characters together in a clear and defined way while also examining the nature of what it means to be a good guy, which it could be argued that none of our characters are. This was the most normal that we’ve seen Eleanor be as of yet, but she sure didn’t react well to the idiocy of Ray. First and foremost, however, she’s an employee, and therefore she doesn’t let her twisted murderous tendencies get the best of her when she has a job to do. It’s devastating to see Adriana affected very personally by what she’s doing, and I suspect that won’t be the last of such suffering. Agent McKenzie cut right to the chase with Charlotte, whose life is now on the line since she so quickly decided to become an informant, albeit not on her own terms. Watching Marco present to the class was very powerful, although this episode’s most dramatic moment was Sonya finding out that Hank shot her sister’s killer when he was unarmed. There’s a lot going on here and adding such personal trauma in the midst of a draining separate investigation can’t possibly make anything better.

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