Sunday, August 24, 2014

What I’m Watching: Rectify (Season Finale)

Rectify: Season 2, Episode 10 “Unhinged” (B+)

There were a number of times this season that I thought I was going to give up on this show, mainly because of what I would most accurately describe as glacial placing. It turns out that everything that happened this season was leading up to Daniel reexamining his life and realizing that maybe people weren’t wrong about him after all, and that he would be better off starting fresh somewhere where no one knows what he’s done. That deposition was tough to watch, especially when he asked Foulkes if he would let him go home this time. It’s good that what Ted confronted Daniel about with Janet in earshot didn’t get spoken aloud, and instead Daniel gracefully made his exit. This is hardly a finale full of closure, and it’s a good thing that this show was renewed for a third season earlier this week so that we don’t have to keep wondering about whether Daniel actually did it and know that we’ll never have the answer (though it’s still possible the show will never address it with certainty). It seems like all forces except for Tawney, Janet, Amantha, and John are rallying against Daniel, which is a shame. It’s good that Tawney’s moving on, while Amantha’s decision to dump John isn’t necessarily the best plan. Daniel is a fascinating character, to be sure, and so is Tawney. This show is full of great personalities, and I think that it just needs to be a bit more consistently enthralling in season two to keep my attention.

Season grade: B+
Season MVP: Adelaide Clemens as Tawney / Abigail Spencer as Amantha

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