Sunday, August 24, 2014

What I’m Watching: Married

Married: Season 1, Episode 6 “Invisible Woman” (B+)

I like how all of this show’s episodes are framed, in this case by Russ’ disappointment by perceived as invisible when a girl changed in front of him and his daughter at the pool. This installment was all about Russ’ weird tics and fantasies, unable to concentrate on getting the job done, so to speak, because a father was helping his child study for a math test by preparing her with all the wrong information. Lina sending Russ back to the doctor’s office to intimidate the receptionist was funny, but not as much as her initial unwillingness to play along in his phone sex. She managed to get on board, of course, even when he started using the very illogical line about putting a baby inside her. Their closing grocery lettuce bit was pretty amusing too. It was interesting to see how excited Jess gets by the prospect of Shep going back to work and to watch that implode as the eager young actress ends up pulling out to move to Iowa and have a baby. Demanding that he counsel her to get an abortion and continue her career climb wasn’t exactly reasonable, but it makes sense that Jess would be upset that things are going to return right away to the status quo of Shep sitting at home without much motivation in life. Ending the episode with a shot of her being asked if she was alone in a bar was more serious than usual, and let’s hope it doesn’t mess up her marriage in an irreversible way.

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