Monday, August 25, 2014

What I’m Watching: You’re the Worst

You’re the Worst: Season 1, Episode 6 “PTSD” (B+)

Now here’s a fun episode, with Jimmy and Gretchen engaging in an immature competition to get even sexually speaking after Gretchen dared Jimmy to get a naked picture of his celebrity interview. To be fair, Megan, played by Ginger Gonzaga from “Mixology,” seemed pretty into the idea of Jimmy as soon as he touched her foot, and it didn’t take too much convincing for them to sleep together, though it did devastate Edgar, whose continual waking up with a knife does seem more than a bit concerning. Gretchen, on the other hand, easily hooked up with an ex – Venti the barista – while Jimmy had trouble finding an ex who still liked him. He did leave quite an impression on his newly married ex, however, which I suspect will come up again soon just as he and Gretchen have endearingly agreed to be exclusive. Lindsay did a number on her new friend, which seemed like quite the necessary break from her normal life with her boring husband. I like how Edgar and Lindsay, who could both be terrible characters, are being used, and I liked Lindsay’s history confusion throughout this episode. Ending with the montage of how toxic Jimmy and Gretchen really are, highlighted by Megan furious about the nature of Jimmy’s piece and Venti being fired for leaving during work to have sex with Gretchen, was fun and very appropriate for this non-couple gradually becoming a couple who delight in ruining the lives of other people for their pure enjoyment.

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