Tuesday, August 5, 2014

What I’m Watching: Hell on Wheels (Season Premiere)

Hell on Wheels: Season 4, Episode 1 “The Elusive Eden” (B+)

This show always catching me off guard since it’s just about the only series to regularly premiere in August, but it’s also one of the most underrated and generally consistent shows that I feel like a lot of people don’t know about. Watching a train falls through the ice makes quite an impression, and it’s that kind of sight which I think will dominate this season. Maggie is taking on a much more aggressive role than in the past, and she’s casting herself as a major nemesis for Durant, who tried his best to manipulate his misfortune but failed miserably, getting himself evicted from his hotel. Those in Cheyenne don’t seem to be doing too well, as Mickey is struggling to maintain his role as the mayor, and Eva, following the apparent departure of Elam, who may or may not be dead after his fight with the bear, is in terrible shape, best described by Mickey as not wanting to be pulled out of the mud. Jake Weber’s new provisional mayor, appointed by Grant himself, is sure to find plenty wrong with Cheyenne and Hell on Wheels when he arrives. Cullen’s situation isn’t turning out exactly as I might have expected, mainly because Naomi does care from him and is clearly unhappy that he doesn’t feel the same, and after the Swede trapped him in the well, he came running when all she could do in childbirth was call his name. Seeing him start to pray was a shock, though of course he couldn’t remember much, and it’s hard to outdo the Swede’s marvelous show of speaking in tongues. Cullen telling the Swede that he’s taking his family with him suggests that there will be a big showdown to come, and that Cullen’s path to the railroad is hardly as easy as, say, escaping a death sentence or getting out of jail.

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