Tuesday, August 5, 2014

What I’m Watching: The Killing (Season Premiere)

The Killing: Season 4, Episode 1 “Blood in the Water” (B-)

I would have had no idea that this show premiered its fourth season (all six episodes) on Netflix on Friday had I not seen an advertisement on the web. I’m still in disbelief that the show has now been resurrected twice when I don’t think anyone was clamoring for it. People loved the first season, were frustrated by the second season after an ill-advised cliffhanger at the end of season two, and then didn’t really have much to say when AMC brought it back for a third season and then cancelled. Yet somehow Netflix thought it fit to revive ahead of so many actually beloved shows. I personally liked season two better than season one and season three about as much as season two, but I still don’t feel it merited a resurrection. That’s especially true since the devastating finale of season three didn’t need a follow-up episode where Linden and Holder have to dodge questions about where they were or what they were up to in the wake of Linden’s murder of Skinner following the revelation of his part in perpetrating the crimes they had been investigating. The haunting sight – and sound – of Skinner’s daughter pounding on Linden’s door crying for her father was far more effective, and I don’t see how they’re going to get out of this one. The new case is immensely disturbing, even more so than their previous two. This show has always been dark and managed to provide decent engagement and drama, and so I see no reason not to watch the five remaining episodes, one per week as I’ve been doing with other Netflix series, to see where it all goes and if it finally ends this time.

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