Thursday, August 14, 2014

What I’m Watching: Masters of Sex

Masters of Sex: Season 2, Episode 5 “Giants” (C+)

I’m trying to get back on board with this show, but it just doesn’t feel like the show that so intrigued me a year ago when it first started. That said, there’s a hefty amount of analytical storytelling going on, digging deep into the psyches of its characters and the basic natures of sexuality and honesty. Virginia forcing Bill to act as the patient and giving him commands was a strange role reversal, and I think it definitely supported her point that she wasn’t just there to serve a purpose but to fulfill the science in which she truly believes. Virginia was rightfully angry with Lilian for dismissing her outright because of her tryst with Bill, and both parties seemed to feel equally betrayed by the other. It’s no surprise that Bill’s old patients aren’t feeling excited by the notion of coming to the black hospital, though a segregated waiting room is a bit of an extreme and literal reaction. Courtney B. Vance’s Dr. Hendricks has some justified and scathing things to say, and hopefully he’ll wake Bill up to putting in more effort. I like that Libby was inspired by her conversation with Coral about what romance feels like to have sex with Bill, but that’s just about all I like related to her, which is a shame given that she used to be my favorite character. Sarah Silverman’s guest spot as Betty’s former lover didn’t do anything for me either, and I found her to be out of place, and, if possible, more grating in the way she spoke than our loveable Betty.

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