Thursday, August 14, 2014

What I’m Watching: The Leftovers

The Leftovers: Season 1, Episode 7 “Solace for Tired Feet” (B+)

This show continues to be inherently fascinating, expanding back to focus on more of its ensemble but still achieving those deep, powerful moments present in the solitary installments. Nora provides such an interesting and irreverent perspective on everything, always saying some jarring things but managing to elicit a calm, fun-loving attitude from Kevin, best evidenced in his texting his daughter that he was excited to have sex with Nora for the first time. Turning the hose on Meg and her Guilty Remnant friend was great if just for the shocked, dampened reaction it produced on Meg’s face. Kevin is having more disconcerting nightmares that seem to have played out at least in part in real life, and Amy seems more than willing to fill him in on what he missed even if he doesn’t want to acknowledge that he can’t remember. It was great to see Scott Glenn as Kevin’s father, who is obviously hearing voices but conveying some messages that we’ve heard before. Saving Jill, who got locked in a refrigerator in another twisted game that the kids on this show play, was a terrific entrance, and I love that he and Jill just hung out casually at the house while Kevin and the cops were out looking for him. Holy Wayne is turning out to be a bit of a false prophet, or at least a dishonest one. Tom discovering another loyal servant with a pregnant girl by his side was eerie, and now he has one of those Wayne babies back at home which is sure to throw things into even more chaos.

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