Wednesday, August 13, 2014

What I’m Watching: Ray Donovan

Ray Donovan: Season 2, Episode 5 “Irish Spring” (B+)

Things change so dramatically in such a short period of time on this show. Kate was ditching Avi midway through the episode as he was tailing her for fear of her being taken out by Cochrane, but then just a bit later a whole new plan had been hatched with Ray, Mickey, and Cochrane all telling Kate a made-up story about how Mickey was an FBI informant actually doing what he was supposed to be doing all along in order to lure Sully out of hiding. It seems like far too easy a solution, and we’ll see how long it sticks. In the meantime, Ronald is proving to be a liability, and Cochrane is getting more dangerous by the moment. Those scratches on his back are not good, and the fact that his affair is known about and he thinks he has no skeletons indicates that he believes he’s invincible and would likely respond very poorly to any kind of blackmail. At least Mickey and Ray seem to be on better terms, with Mickey demanding a bit of respect and a stipend, a rather amusing and innocuous request. While Connor continues to get in trouble for his violent outburst and Bridget cuts school to hang out with good influence Marvin, Abby was actually the most uncontrollable Donovan this week, playing nice with her new neighbors before attacking them when they said the wrong thing. That wasn’t good, but propositioning her new cop friend in the car so bluntly definitel took the cake.

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