Monday, October 6, 2014

Pilot Review: Stalker

Stalker (CBS)
Premiered October 1 at 10pm

If ever there was a show that described itself with its title, this would be it. Of course, it’s not clear who the stalker is and whether a show can be built around it, but this pilot outlines a much foggier and more complicated understanding. Both Maggie Q’s Lieutenant Beth Davis and Dylan McDermott’s Detective Jack Larsen work for a special police division specializing in stalking, and Beth may be being stalked while Jack does quite a bit of stalking himself. This show came under fire for its brutal and disturbing opening scene, and though it’s far less ugly and miserable than “The Following,” another show from creator Kevin Williamson, it’s definitely not pleasant. Why someone would want to watch this convoluted and unsettling show is a very good question, and this pilot doesn’t provide any compelling answers. Q was a perfect fit for the lead role in the CW’s “Nikita,” and I think this is a role that gives her a similar authoritative edge but doesn’t present nearly as many opportunities for her to utilize her combat skills. McDermott hasn’t found a truly steady project since “The Practice,” and casting him as a suspicious good guy probably seemed like a good idea after his turn on “Hostages.” Neither lead is terribly magnetic, and it’s a shame to see Victor Rasuk, who broke out in “Raising Victor Vargas” and starred in “How to Make It in America” after that, relegated to a bland supporting role. This show isn’t horror but it is an unsettling thriller, and I think it needs to find a specific audience looking for that kind of entertainment.

How will it work as a series? I really have no clue. This first episode had a particularly glaring case of psychotic stalking with someone who set his victims on fire, but I’m not sure the show will be able to match it going forward. In a sense, the less disturbing it is, the worse a show it might be, which is far from a promising situation.
How long will it last? The pilot premiered to better numbers than may have been expected, but it got completely trashed by critics (I think my review is one of the kindest and I still really didn’t like it). If viewership holds, the show probably will too, but I think it will fade and be dropped by CBS before any additional episodes are commissioned.

Pilot grade: C-

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