Monday, October 6, 2014

What I’m Watching: The Bridge (Season Finale)

The Bridge: Season 2, Episode 13 “Jubilex” (B+)

This show has never been particularly optimistic or happy, and therefore it’s understandable that its more triumphant and accomplished moments would still be laced with a certain negativity. Romina proved to be an effective partner in the field for Marco, helping him to turn the tables on their captors and, against all odds, bring Galvan in to face justice. That Sonya was the only person he felt he could trust to call to help him bring him in was a sign of their enduring friendship, and she returned the favor by calling him to figure out what to do with Eleanor after she shot his father. The looks on everyone’s faces in the police station when Marco brought Galvan in were quite memorable, and while I think being captain wouldn’t suit Marco because of his desire to be in the field, it’s worth something that he was the obvious choice for the promotion in Robles’ absence. Hank extending a courtesy to Daniel and Adriana was nice considering the fact that they haven’t exactly gotten along famously over the past two years, and it’s good to see the two of them, particularly Daniel, seemingly back on track. Sonya has reason to be cautious about turning Eleanor in given what happened the last time she arrested her, but I suspect that this is the last we’ll see of her. That said, the show hasn’t yet been renewed for a third season, which is worrisome since FX might decide its other series are stronger hits. I, for one, do hope that it returns again since it’s an extremely compelling and good show.

Season grade: B+
Season MVP: Franka Potente as Eleanor

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