Sunday, October 12, 2014

Round Two: Bad Judge

Bad Judge: Season 1, Episode 2 “Meteor Shower” (D+)

I had hoped that this show would get better or at least maintain its quality in its second episode and beyond, but that doesn’t seem likely at this point. What we got was more antics to support the show’s title and ensure that no one in their right mind would think that Rebecca is a competent person to be deciding other people’s fates, though she of course has the ability to proscribe the perfect punishments to help those convicted of crimes truly realize their misdeeds. This episode’s case addressed celebrity in the most ridiculous manner by having paparazzi show up to hound a bra-wearing Rebecca by her van, somehow aware that she was the judge who would be deciding the pop star’s fate, and then Rebecca getting revenge on them for calling her a “muffin top” by arresting everyone in the courtroom. Rebecca’s friends-with-benefits arrangement with Gary has already become untenable as she planned a major night in together while he scheduled a date with another woman, and I don’t see that romance leading anywhere beneficial. What happened instead was that she got very high, something she boasted about quite publicly, and had a fun night with a fireman, played by Ryan McPartlin of “Chuck” fame, whose major flaw is that he has only read one book (over and over) in his life. The destruction of the van was a therapeutic event, one which highlighted the interesting friendship between Rebecca and Tedward. I think this should be it for me and this show, though I may be tempted to give it an ill-advised third chance since my TV schedule isn’t quite as crowded as I had expected it to be.

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