Sunday, October 12, 2014

What I’m Watching: Modern Family

Modern Family: Season 6, Episode 3 “The Cold” (C+)

I’m not going to stop watching this show anytime soon, so I think it’s most beneficial to do away with the disappointments and just analyze the content of each episode on its own. In concept, the spread of a cold was a funny one, and everyone certainly played their part. It’s clear that its residual effects were left on Phil as he used Luke to help him recreate and reedit the wedding video to disastrous effect. Of course, no one even noticed Phil coughing up a storm and spreading the contagion, and the only truly memorable moment from the whole thing was Phil’s reaction to the news that Luke was going off to college (for acting purposes, that is). Claire’s sickly condition was awfully extreme, though it will likely end up as Julie Bowen’s Emmy submission next year. The big reveal that Manny couldn’t perform because he was scared of disappointing his mother was a letdown, though the image of Cam sitting at his own table where he didn’t even know what food was being served was somewhat amusing if quite overexaggerated. Mitchell calling Lily’s friend a know-it-all was a fine moment for the less dramatic of two fathers, and I think this show could take a cue from being less literal about everything. Haley kissing Andy because she wanted it to mean more to him than to her was hardly the most worthwhile reason to bring Andy, an over-the-top but half-decent character, back. Let’s invite Dylan back to the fold instead.

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