Sunday, October 12, 2014

What I’m Watching: Sons of Anarchy

Sons of Anarchy: Season 7, Episode 5 “A Strange Eruption” (B+)

“Why does this keep happening? Why do people keep dying?” I don’t often quote directly from episodes, especially dramas, but that line as delivered by Lyla was easily the definitive moment of the episode. This cycle of violence is never going to end, even as the police get involved and Jax hears straight from Lin that he had nothing to do with Tara’s murder. At least Nero was crafty enough to ensure that Jax and his people didn’t get taken out by the Chinese, but there’s no way that any of this violence calms down anytime soon, especially considering the first thing that Jax and SAMCRO did when they left the Chinese to face the real police was to kill more innocent people. Chibs’ relationship with Althea is becoming both increasingly close and complicated, though it’s clear that, mad at him as she may be, she doesn’t want to see him in trouble, as evidenced by her warning call to let him know that the police were on their way. Given that Juice killed a motel employee in broad daylight, it would seem that taking him out and disposing of him in Charming would have been a smarter idea than Gemma driving out to the middle of nowhere to execute him, something that definitely did not go well. No one is immune to what’s going on, as shown by Abel’s questions asked to his father. Everything is so volatile at this point that it’s not even worth predicting who will be spared and who will survive since no one is going to get away clean.

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