Sunday, October 12, 2014

What I’m Watching: Person of Interest

Person of Interest: Season 4, Episode 3 “Wingman” (B+)

I don’t think that there’s a single character on television who could give Fusco a run for his money when it comes to being used as a punching bag. That he’s the obvious choice to play a man in need of a makeover isn’t much of a stretch, but he still had to endure considerable abuse in this hour. Fortunately, he has more than just word jumble skills, as proven by his impressive physical displays both in action and then to free him and his new friend after they were locked in a shipping container. Thanking his wingman after they got free was a particularly sweet moment. I’m always a fan of Ryan O’Nan, last seen as Bunchy’s sponsor on “Ray Donovan,” and I think he did a superb job of playing a character who got to control more of the episode than our numbers usually get to. I like that the rest of our team’s undercover identities are being maintained for the long run, and that Reese is actually making an effort to be a good cop and to close cases, forming a fun bond with his captain that seems like it might soon head to a new level. Root had a grand time with Finch helping to manipulate events so that he could secure finances for his operation that wouldn’t set off Samaritan’s radar since they were really just confiscating funds from criminals. Now they can have a bit more comfort, though I do like the imagery of them holing up in an abandoned subway car underneath the city to protect its citizens.

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