Friday, October 17, 2014

Round Two: The Flash

The Flash: Season 1, Episode 2 “Fastest Man Alive” (B+)

Color me very pleased – the second installment of this show managed to live up to the high expectations set by the first, and I’m hopeful that its quality will only continue as the series goes on. This episode managed to preserve the excitement and thrill of Barry’s new powers and to feature a “freak of the week” as equally compelling and menacing as someone who could control the weather. Danton Black’s ability to clone himself was cool, and I like that there’s actual science (which yes, may be entirely made up) behind the idea of what he can do, which helped Barry to ultimately take him down by isolating the real him due to his weakened state. Finding out why Danton was trying to kill Simon Stagg demonstrated that he’s just someone who felt wronged by the circumstances of his life, but who also chose to use his powers for evil rather than for good when given the opportunity, in stark contrast to eager do-gooder Barry. William Sadler’s Stagg wasn’t particularly friendly, but after being saved by the Flash, he got himself stabbed by the show’s most two-faced character, Dr. Wells, who claims to be protecting the Flash. It’s great to see Joe showing up to give Barry the pep talk he needed and pledging to him that he would help him prove his father’s innocence and find his mother’s real killer. Now Iris just needs to wake up and realize that she’s using Barry to help her with her assignments and she’s completely oblivious to his feelings for her.

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