Saturday, October 18, 2014

What I’m Watching: New Girl

New Girl: Season 4, Episode 5 “Landline” (C)

This episode wasn’t as bad as last week’s, but it certainly wasn’t great either. I wouldn’t call any of its plotlines intelligent, though the excitement that Nick got at serving as a secretary for Winston and Schmidt was somewhat amusing. The image of all the roommates yelling on their cell phones on top of Nick’s bed was particularly ridiculous, and indicative of this show’s inability to be subtle these days. Getting the landline was fine, and even Nick having to be around to get all the calls wasn’t a big deal. Taking it a step further so that he could not tell Schmidt about his interview and ruin one of Winston’s relationships was a bit much. I’m not one for Winston’s ability to talk on the phone or Schmidt finding Cece speaking on the answering machine impossibly sexy – I think that this show can and has been funny enough without having to reach. Everything about Jess’ “Shut it down” routine during which she accidentally touched the new conveniently irresistible British teacher twice was unfortunate, and I really don’t feel that Jess’ workplace environment has ever provided her with particularly good plotlines. Angela Kinsey of “The Office” and Erinn Hayes of “Children’s Hospital” can certainly be used to better effect than as audience members cheering on whatever Coach decided to start chanting, and the same can be said of Julian Morris from “Once Upon a Time,” who played awkward eye candy Ryan, who I can only dread is going to be back again soon for an equally futile purpose.

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