Saturday, October 25, 2014

Round Two: Marry Me

Marry Me: Season 1, Episode 2 “Move Me” (C)

I’d really like to like this show, but I just don’t see that happening. Moving on from botched proposals to the next phase of engagement could have presented opportunities but the show didn’t exactly seize them, instead choosing to be focused on its characters’ inherent ability not to be romantic. I prefer leads who do in fact have some emotional chemistry, and that’s one of the reason that I stopped watching the already-cancelled “Manhattan Love Story” and why I continue to watch “A to Z” even though I’m not thrilled with it. What I do like about this show is a few members of its supporting cast, namely Dan Bucatinsky and Tim Meadows as Annie’s dads, and I’ll admit to laughing a few times during their scenes with Annie. I want to be excited about seeing Sarah Wright, who I liked in the first season of “The Loop” a while back on FOX, as Dennah, but relegating her to being vain and getting terrible botox isn’t exactly a productive use of a character like hers. I don’t feel that way about anyone on the show, particularly Gil, and I think that there is not a solid enough foundation here to build an entire series given that the leads can’t be depended upon to be endearing. Their moving hijinks were far from enthralling, mainly because they didn’t exactly have much time to materialize since Annie bolted as soon as Jake started behaving in a very oblivious manner, completely unaware of the fact that he was now living with someone else.

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