Sunday, October 26, 2014

What I’m Watching: Person of Interest

Person of Interest: Season 4, Episode 5 “Prophets” (B+)

This episode was full of action as those supporting Samaritan reappeared, and it’s really cool to watch the show in its new dynamic. I’m particularly fascinated by Root, who manages to have a new identity every day in order to stay off the radar, and who bonded with Finch in a rare moment of sweetness as they were both putting their technical skills to good use together. The flashbacks to 2001 when Finch was destroying AI after AI because they all became self-aware and threatened to do harm to Finch were very potent and relevant, especially with Samaritan doing exactly what Finch was afraid of his machine doing. Deciphering Samaritan’s plan over the course of the episode wasn’t easy, and Jason Ritter’s whiz kid numbers guy managed to get himself nearly killed a few times. The team’s plan to get the newly elected governor to resign didn’t last long due to her untimely death, and now it appears that her second-in-command Nick Dawson is around and ready to do Greer’s bidding. Martine continues to be a formidable foe and fitting nemesis for Root. I couldn’t figure out where I knew Reese’s new police therapist from, and it turns out that Wrenn Schmidt played Julia on “Boardwalk Empire.” She does seem to be getting him to open up a bit, which is a major feat even if he’s not being entirely truthful about who he is. The mention of Carter struck me since this show has transformed itself so much since she left, an impressive accomplishment considering how integral to the show she used to be.

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