Monday, October 20, 2014

Take Three: A to Z

A to Z: Season 1, Episode 3 “C is for Curiouser and Curiouser” (C)

I firmly believe that this show would be substantially better if the supporting characters either didn’t exist or weren’t allowed to speak. More specifically, Lydia needs to go immediately since all she does is serve as an overlord presence with a very problematic complex that makes her feel like she needs approval at every turn but never perceives any situation the right way. Not having her around would be an enormous help for the show. Stu and Stephie, on the other hand, work much better in the manner that we saw them at the very end of the episode, pretending to be friends while secretly telling each other how much they hate each other. Let’s hope that they can remain just what they need to be, which is good friends from our two protagonists. Speaking of them, no matter what happens over the course of the episode, it’s hard not to find Zelda’s sweetness and Andrew’s romantic energy irresistible, and it seems like that’s where every big fight, which in this case was a series of digging to find dirt on each other and then snooping on Andrew’s part, is headed. Andrew is the one who is into the idea of marriage as the one big thing, and Zelda coming around to his more romanticized worldview in definitely appealing. It’s sad to think that they’re headed for a break-up eventually, but my calculations suggest that there’s no way that this show makes it to 26 episodes (presumably over the course of two seasons) long enough for the next slate of episodes to involve them getting back together.

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