Monday, October 20, 2014

What I’m Watching: Parenthood

Parenthood: Season 6, Episode 4 “A Potpourri of Freaks” (B+)

I praised this show last week for not heightening its drama for any reason or trying to pull the rug out from under its viewers by surprising them with a big twist or death, and I’d like to applaud it this week for effectively recalling its own historical events for the purpose of a powerful moment. Kristina going to visit Zeek and commiserating with him about people talking about how “we” can get through this made for a fantastic scene, and it’s great to see her help get him back on his feet by motivating him through her shared experience. Aside from that positive interaction, this episode was all about parenting in a big way. Julia and Joel are managing to get back on track after realizing that their uncertain status has affected Sydney in a problematic way, and it’s good that they decided to talk to her. Sandy telling Hank that Ruby couldn’t spend time with Sarah was harsh, and good for Sarah for standing up for herself and managing to get Ruby to hate her only as much as her mother and father. It looks like this Hank and Sarah thing may work out after all, which is really great for both of him. Crosby’s visit to the silent meditation retreat was entirely ridiculous but entertaining, and he’s got plenty of growing to do in his marriage before he realizes that aggressively riding off on his forbidden motorcycle doesn’t help matters at all. Dylan definitely made an impression, and it’s nice to know that, offensive as everything she says is, Max seems to like spending time with her, which could lead to an important progression in his school experience.

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