Friday, December 12, 2014

What I’m Watching: Homeland

Homeland: Season 4, Episode 10 “13 Hours in Islamabad” (B)

This was a dramatic and resounding hour in many ways, but it didn’t feel like “Homelamd.” I thought for a moment that I was watching “24” again with high-level government authorities standing just feet away from terrorists who managed to tunnel under the embassy and start a shooting rampage. This show has always been a subtler, less boots-on-the-ground thriller, and while this season has taken place almost entirely in the field, it still didn’t quite reach this level. This was a difficult hour to watch with all of the loss of human life for seemingly meaningless reasons, particularly Fara being identified as a Muslim, used as bait to get Lockhart to open the door, and then executed even after he complied. Max has barely ever spoken, and to see him spring into action and then blame Carrie for never giving her any positive reinforcement was a rarity. What really perplexes me is why it would possibly be a good idea for the list of undercover assets not to be destroyed as soon as they found out the compound was breached, and why anyone thought giving it to the most senior official – the only one who the attacking terrorists could identify by name – is beyond me. Hopefully it won’t mean doom and death for Quinn, who charged back into the field to link cell phones and find Haqqani all by himself. Leaving Carrie alone in Islamabad to help him is also worrisome, but this show has two whole hours to wrap up the mostly coherent and compelling dramatic mess it’s created this season.

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