Friday, January 30, 2015

Take Three: Togetherness

Togetherness: Season 1, Episode 3 “Insanity” (B+)

I like that this show has a certain way about it, where Michelle going to a bar on a night alone doesn’t mean she’s going to cheat on Brett and where Alex making awkward conversation is just that, and all that will come of his pretending to be a movie star is that he’ll have to lie to an old woman. I’m glad that it’s agreed that Tina is crazy, but the truth is that she knows how to get what she wants. She snuck Alex into the premiere party, got him to meet the producer he wanted to meet, got him to agree to come to Texas to help her move her stuff, and snagged a lucky night with the producer. Alex’s ability to make boring conversation is impressive, and I like that he and Brett got to have a bonding rock-out session at the end of the episode. Brett clearing the air with the director didn’t go so well, but it was great to see him find his niche by recording the sound of a bird with confused passersby staring at him on the street. Michelle had quite a night, enjoying her time with a few smoking teenagers and then meeting a nice divorced guy who might just be onto something with this charter school enthusiasm. I enjoyed seeing Peter Gallagher as Larry, and the best part of his whole appearance was Alex’s initial comment: “He has more hair on his eyebrows than I have on my head.”

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