Thursday, January 29, 2015

What I’m Watching: Girls

Girls: Season 4, Episode 3 “Female Author” (B+)

This show is finding a good way of balancing Hannah being in Iowa and the rest of the characters being in New York, illustrated well with this episode. I thought that Skype would be the only way that we would see Jessa during this half-hour, but it turned out that she actually had the strongest storyline for the first time in a while. She and Adam seemed to have formed a positive relationship, and then she had to go and, to be crude, literally piss on it. I like that, after Ray’s lecture, Adam was sensible enough to make the smart decision and tell Jessa that she is a bad influence. Adam is maturing even more now that he’s not with Hannah, and it’s a shame since she could use him more than ever. Marnie insisting that she wasn’t the mistress in this situation was entertaining but unsurprising, and kudos to her for finally standing up for herself and speaking her mind to Desi. For once, she didn’t sound like the selfish one, and every attempt he made to placate her and tell her that he was right made her sound even more reasonable. Shoshanna’s interview went extremely well, and of course she had to go and mess up what could have been an incredible opportunity by turning down the job on the spot and insulting her interviewer by saying that it was just a rehearsal. And then there’s Hannah, who is having a blast in Iowa and felt it necessary to go around and skewer each of her coworkers in a way that can’t possibly be undone. I’m sure class is going to be fun from now on.

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