Thursday, July 16, 2015

Emmy Nominees: Best Comedy Series

My predictions: 5/7, picking “The Big Bang Theory” and “Jane the Virgin” over “Parks and Recreation” and “Unbreakable Kimmy Schmidt”

I'm sad that “Jane the Virgin” got virtually shut out, but how amazing is it that Parks and Recreation got nominated for its amazing final season? How little it's been recognized is an embarrassment, but at least it's here this year. I don't quite see the hype behind Unbreakable Kimmy Schmidt, but I'm fine with it being here, joining the terrific Transparent as new blood. Modern Family, which earned just six nominations this year, is back to contend for its sixth consecutive trophy, going up against Veep for the fourth time, Louie for the third, and Silicon Valley for the second. “The Big Bang Theory,” which had been nominated four years in a row, was summarily dismissed this year, and I'm not sure why. I have some “Louie” to catch up on, but otherwise I think this list is pretty solid.

Who should win? “Parks and Recreation,” of course
Who will win? I think Modern Family has to win again, even though I'm rooting for anything else. We'll see what the episodes submitted are.

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