Thursday, July 16, 2015

Emmy Nominees: Best Drama Series

My predictions: 6/7, picking “Empire” over “Homeland”

I'm not disappointed in my incorrect prediction of this category, mainly because I watch all seven nominated programs and had no desire to get into “Empire.” I do think that, while the fourth season was a return to form but nothing close to what it used to be, Homeland does not merit showing up in this category again after its tremendous first two seasons. It's good to see Orange is the New Black make the transition to this category even if it lost a few actors on the way, and to have new blood, Better Call Saul, welcomed enthusiastically. This is the eighth nomination for Mad Men, the fifth for Game of Thrones, the fourth for Downton Abbey, and the second for House of Cards. Maybe next year we'll get some new blood. Where are “The Leftovers” or “The Affair” when you need them?

Who should win? “Orange is the New Black” or “Better Call Saul,” I'd say, but they're all pretty good
Who will win? I think Mad Men takes its throne back.

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