Tuesday, January 19, 2016

What I’m Watching: Downton Abbey

Downton Abbey: Season 6, Episode 3 (B+)

A lot happened in this episode, and we got to witness one of the most significant weddings of this entire show, though the actual ceremony occupied a small part of the hour. Both Mary and Robert were being quite pushy about Carson getting his way in the planning of his wedding, and it was nice to see Cora speak up for Mrs. Hughes and allow her the opportunity to express that she really wanted to do it her way that represented her life. This episode contained the quickest instance of major problem creation de-escalation with Cora bursting in to find Mrs. Hughes trying on her clothes, as approved by Mary, and humiliated her only to apologize a short time later. The devotion that her fellow servants put into making the day special for Mrs. Hughes was sweet, and the happiness was infectious. Anna was smiling for the first time in a while, partially due to her potential pregnancy but also because things are going well. Edith finally saw her editor quit and replaced him briefly with a potential love interest who might end up being just right for her. Let’s hope that Daisy’s obsessive mentioning of Cora’s meddling for Mr. Mason pans out, since it’s going to destroy her if it doesn’t. The intrigue involving Spratt and Denker is unexpected, and I’m curious to see where it will lead. The best surprise of the hour was the unexpected and entirely welcome return of Tom, one of the show’s most sympathetic and endearing characters, who now seems like he may well be around for the rest of the show.

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