Wednesday, January 20, 2016

What I’m Watching: The Good Wife

The Good Wife: Season 7, Episode 12 “Tracks” (B-)

I can’t help feeling like we’ve experienced a lot of what happened in this episode multiple times before. As usual, things are hectic at Alicia’s new firm and she’s so caught up in one case despite arguing the merits of having a small, devoted firm to all who ask that she completely misses something that Grace decides to take care of all by herself. Grace did a commendable job fighting the angry woman whose apartment constantly got mistaken for Alicia’s and taking on the Homeowners’ Association by correcting bringing to light the below-board activities of other tenants in the building. It’s true that she needs to get her grades up, but she’s going to resent her mother for firing and hugging her rather than giving her a chance to better balance things. Marissa does seem like an excellent fit to replace her, and I would be more than happy having Sarah Steele around on a regular basis. She cut right to the chase with Alicia about forgiving Eli and accomplished as much as possible on that subject. It’s been a few minutes, so of course it’s time to talk about merging again, and Cary’s offer to Alicia and Lucca to come back to be absorbed into the big firm seems like a huge leap for Diane and David to consider and also like something we’ve been through many times. In the episode’s most surprising behavior, Matthew Lillard’s goofy singer Rowby had little trouble seducing Lucca, of all people, and was so bold as to make out with her in court after they won the first time. That was something I definitely did not see coming.

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