Thursday, February 18, 2016

What I’m Watching: Downton Abbey

Downton Abbey: Season 6, Episode 6 (B+)

Opening up Downton Abbey to the general public was always going to be a game-changing decision, and it managed to go off without too many hitches and with no one getting hurt, even though Carson was at the ready with his cane to run after a thief should the occasion present itself. And Robert even survived a conversation with a philosophical youngster who snuck into his bedroom. Carson dug himself into an even bigger hole with Mrs. Hughes, and I have to imagine that she’s going to burst sometime soon and tell him that he just can’t keep treating her like that. Romance is brewing between Mrs. Patmore and Mr. Mason, much to the chagrin of Daisy, who should be focusing on her exams. It’s great to see Molesley approached as a potential teaching candidate, and he so deserves a happy ending. Thomas doesn’t seem set for one, and though he did so much to merit his current treatment, it’s hard to watch him get kicked around so much. Both Mary and Edith seem fated for true love after all, with both of their suitors making moves on them in rather romantic scenes. They still manage to be terrible to each other, with Edith responding with the only defense that Mary would never be genuinely happy for her. The most memorable plotline of the hour was Cora’s unfortunate appointment that undercut and infuriated Violet, who made a scene in front of strangers and is sure not to get over this particular development anytime soon.

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