Thursday, February 18, 2016

What I’m Watching: Life in Pieces

Life in Pieces: Season 1, Episode 15 “Soccer Gigi TV Mikey” (C+)

This wasn’t my favorite episode of this show, with a few funny moments that didn’t make for a solid outing. Matt volunteering to be the soccer coach was good for a couple laughs, mainly the kids’ assertion that they would rather win and get a pizza party than actually play in the game and Sophia’s friend’s comment that he needed a positive role model because his father was an unemployed artist that lived in his grandparents’ garage. Tyler and Clementine going to visit Gigi was mildly amusing if nothing else, and it was sweet to see them decide to miss their concert and stay with her even if her memory proved selectively reliable. Greg wanting to sleep on the couch was the strongest segment of the night, as he managed to fall asleep instantly in every situation, infuriating Jen, and then wake up the next morning with unbelievable energy that let him do so much more than usual. Taking the pillows from the couch and putting them on the bed was a fun solution compromise that let them keep their marriage alive while also allowing both of them to get some much-needed rest. I like Greg Grunberg back from his days on “Alias,” and it’s sad to say that his performance in this episode was much more akin to the recent wreck that was “Heroes Reborn.” Every family has a black sheep, but Mikey was so over the top with the roasting schedule for his purchased pig and his creepy crush on Heather. Seven minutes was more than enough Mikey.

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