Monday, February 22, 2016

What I’m Watching: Grandfathered

Grandfathered: Season 1, Episode 15 “The Biter” (B+)

This episode was most fun not because of the specific plotlines it featured but more due to the way that they brought its characters together. Jimmy pretending to be one of Edie’s emergency contacts despite quite obviously not having gotten a call was funny, but his involvement and interest in wanting to find out who had bitten Edie was far more entertaining. Sara was all over that as well, and they both went quite far to try to find the culprit. It hardly seems like a productive policy to tell parents that an incident occurred without identifying those involved, especially when it turns out that Edie was also guilty of something herself that had precipitated the biting. What I love most is that Jimmy is realizing just how attracted to Sara he is, and though he keeps encouraging her to keep dating, he really wants to be with her. Another couple that isn’t a couple anymore, Gerald and Vanessa, did pretty well being on the same page after meeting with the very obnoxious Kirk Kelly, seeing how he treated Ravi and them, telling him off, and then accepting his offer when he doubled his initial investment. Though the meeting for their parent communication app caused them to both be out of contact and both serve as absent co-parents, I think that their idea could actually take off, and I’m eager to watch them work together and see how that goes. I’m all for seeing the two of them succeed, especially if they’re doing it together.

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